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Todd Browning, USA 1925

August 23
Parco Raggio, Pontenure
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Live soundtracks by the Soundtracks 2024 Collective with Roberta Sammarelli

Zara, Zazarack and Michael Nash combine their efforts to seize the properties of Doris, a wealthy heiress. The three, a gypsy, a Confederate soldier and the girl’s guardian make up a false will to get their hands on the inheritance money. After organizing a fake seance, they manage to trick young Doris. Michael, however, is gripped by remorse and returns the money back to her. Zara, sent back to Hungary by the police, is joined in her country by Michael, who is now in love with her.

Soundtracks Collective 2024: Maru Barucco (Live Electronics), Antonio Maria Rapa (Drums), Lorenzo Saini (Cello/Synth), Alessandro Trabace (Violin), Lorenzo Valdesalici (Guitar).

“Soundtracks – Musica da film” is an artistic residency promoted by the Music Centre of the Municipality of Modena as part of the “Sonda Music Sharing” project, under the artistic direction of Corrado Nuccini (Giardini di Mirò).

Roberta Sammarelli is an Italian bass player. She has been part of the rock band Verdena since 1996, together with her brothers Alberto and Luca Ferrari, with whom she has released eight albums since 1999. The band’s eighth album, Volevo Magia, released by Capitol on 22 September 2022, was awarded by both Rockol and Rolling Stone as best album of the year. Roberta managed the band’s management from 2010 to 2016. In her hometown, Bergamo, she collaborated in the organization of important music festivals. In addition to bass guitar, she plays piano and guitar.

 “Soundtracks – Musica da Film” is promoted by the Music Centre of the City of Modena as part of Sonda Music Sharing, under the artistic direction of Corrado Nuccini.