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Part of the 22nd edition of Concorto Film Festival
Cloister of the Ricci Oddi Gallery of Modern Art, via San Siro 13, Piacenza
For children aged 3 to 10 – Free entry, reservation required

From August 22 to 24 Concorto Kids, our part of the festival dedicated to international short films for children, awaits you for three afternoons filled with workshop activities, screenings, and snacks.
After the unexpected success of the first edition in 2022, which sold out and brought more than 150 children, parents, teachers, and educators to the cloister of Ricci Oddi Gallery of Modern Art, we aim this year to further strengthen the already intertwined relationships with Piacenza institutions and to enlarge the offer for children and adults.
The 2023 edition theme is “Museums and Visual Arts“,.which will be addressed through workshops and screenings for children and adults.
Concorto Kids targets the 3-10 age group, a wide but not too varied range, which allows us to offer a consistent selection of films and activities, as well as to facilitate the division into groups.

The 2023 program features two midweek afternoons (Aug. 22 and 23) during which workshop activities are intertwined with screenings and, of course, snacks. For the afternoon of August 24, Concorto Kids will be hosting a workshop open to parents, teachers, and educators.
Both these afternoons dedicated to children include refreshing snacks and screenings of short films about visual arts (on Tuesday) and short films about various topics, selected from the best international children’s productions (on Wednesday).

Tuesday, August 22
4:30 p.m. – FLUO! [workshop for children aged 3 to 5] Magic in the darkness of the “projection booth”. We will create a black cardboard projection booth together, decorated with fluorescent shapes and colors; with small UV flashlights, we will explore the cinema within the cinema, and the color within the darkness.

in the meantime
4:30 p.m. – ESSERE UMANI (being human) [workshop for children aged 6 to 10] the body in art and image. We will create a human body model together, and reflect on the body in art and film through the reading of picture books.
5:30-6 p.m. – snack time! Offered by Fonte Plose and the Sorelle Bragoli bakery.
6-7 p.m. – screening of short films about “visual arts.”

Wednesday, August 23
4:30 p.m. – MY MUSEUM! The museum of my images [workshop for children aged 3 to 10 years]
Workshop related to a visit to the Ricci Oddi Gallery (work in progress!) and the creation of a small portable museum of images.
5:30-6 p.m. – snack time! Offered by Fonte Plose and the Sorelle Bragoli bakery.
6-7 p-.m.- – screening of short children’s films from all over the world!

READING AREA: On August 22 and 23, Daniela Rossetti of the library Biblioteca 06 L’Elefante che legge will wait for you at the Reading Area, where children can discover picture books inspired by the world of museums and visual arts.

Thursday, August 24
Workshop for teachers, educators, and parents
The memory of images as a small film museum that talks about us-. A formative meeting in which, as in a small walking cinema, after viewing and reading images together, we will build the model of a small box museum in which to store short stories.

Concorto Kids is curated by Enrica Carini, Virginia Carolfi, and Rael Montecucco.

Concorto Kids 2023 is made possible thanks to the contribution of the Emilia Romagna Region, the Foundation of Piacenza and Vigevano, the Municipality of Pontenure, Cooperativa Aurora Domus, ARCI, Iren, Coop, Città del Sole Piacenza, IK Italiana, Fonte Plose, Forno Sorelle Bragoli, Tondo distribution, Ricci Oddi Modern Art Gallery, and Associazione Amici dell’Arte Piacenza.
Supported by: Municipality of Piacenza.

Free entry; reservation is required through the Eventbrite platform.
Workshops and screenings are accessible to people with impaired hearing.