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August 18, 2024
Parco Raggio, Pontenure (PC)

Eugenio Sournia is a singer-songwriter from Livorno, Italy, born in 1991. He is a very talented songwriter, and was the frontman and main author of the band Siberia, which was active until 2020 and with which he released three albums in a style that ranges between early post-punk/new wave and indie rock. 

After his single Dignità, on November 17, 2023, his first album entitled Eugenio Sournia was released, produced by Emma Nolde and published by Carosello Records.

Eugenio has always loved to write, since he was a child. He started from poetry, and growing up he moved to songs, realizing how easier communicating behind a microphone was, rather than publishing collections. A talent he feels in his blood (his name is Eugenio because his mother wanted a competitor of Montale) and a passion he pursued over the years, studying in depth authors such as John Keats and Ungaretti. Eugenio Sournia’s writing is evocative, poetic and profound, it recalls the Italian classic novels and it arose from the need to narrate the pain: according to him, this theme needs to regain its central position in music and in art. His songs are particularly influenced by the relationship with mental health issues and religious experiences, as well as by explorations of themes related to love or social criticism.