edited by Rael Montecucco
Since 2016, Deep Night has offered the audience of Concorto the possibility to approach the most radical and peculiar Genre Cinema. Deep Night was originally thought to be a space for horror films, but over the years, it has broadened its horizons, looking for the craziest, strangest, and weirdest stories. At the same time, it tries to give importance to those authors who offer a different and personal approach to the Genre Cinema. Fiction, animation, experimental cinema: the Deep Night selection has no limits. Every year, it takes the best fantasy short films to the screens of Concorto, with numerous Italian premieres and international guests. A must-see event for those who love strong emotions, either laughter or fear. This year too, Deep Night will take place in three evenings, in the suggestive location of the Teatro Serra di Parco Raggio, and it will be one of the most awaited and surprising events of Concorto. The viewing mode with wireless headphones has been confirmed to ensure a more immersive and engaging experience.
Selected films:
Calving, Louis Bhose, 2021, Ireland
Visitors, Kenichi Ugana, 2021, Japan
Les démons de Dorothy (The Demons of Dorothy), Alexis Langlois, 2021, France
Ampangabagat Nin Talakba Ha Likol(It’s raining frogs outside), Maria Estela Paiso, 2021, Philippines
Growing, Agata Wieczorek, 2021, Poland/France
Tank Fairy, Erich Rettstadt, 2021, Taiwan/USA
Krasue, Ryo Hirano, 2021, Japan
Soft Animals, Renee Zhan, 2021, UK
Guts, Chris McInroy, 2021, USA
Doom Cruise, Hannah Stragholz, Simon Steinhorst, 2021, Germany
Les fourmis ont dévoré mon âme (Ants devoured my soul), Adrien Vel, 2021, France
Squash, Dave Cooper, 2020, Canada
Gakjil (Persona), Sujin Moon, 2022, South Korea